I finished reading Eleanor by Jason Gurley last night. I have been finding myself thinking about it all day. Honestly, when I closed the book after reading the final page I wasn't really sure what my thoughts were. I kind of still feel that way. I'm not saying that this was a bad book because it wasn't. Not at all. I enjoyed the story, it truly is well crafted. I also enjoyed the characters and how the novel ties the whole family together. The fantasy element of the book was so trippy though that I am sure I will still be thinking about this one for weeks. Eleanor is a story that crosses generations within the same family. It starts off with the story of Eleanor who is the grandmother of the main character. We then get a bit of the story about the mother, Agnes and then the story of Eleanor as a teenager. Eleanor has had very difficult life as has the rest of her family. One day she walks through a doorway and finds herself somewhere unfamiliar. She also finds that wh...
This mama bear's thoughts on books and reviews of my latest reads.