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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Four Tendencies

I just finished The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. This is a self help book that takes a new approach to the topic of the personality test. According to Rubin, there are four basic areas in which people fit. These are upholder, obliger, rebel and questioner. The author provides a test in the book as well as access to a website for individuals to discover their own personal personality type. The book is broken into sections so that after one has discovered their personality type, they can learn how to best thrive with this information. There is also information on how to deal with other people within a personality type. I took the test and found that I am an obliger. I found myself agreeing to most of the information in the section that describes obligers. I also found some useful tips as to how I as an obliger can be more productive. Overall, I found this book really interesting. If you are looking for a way to stay motivated and want to better understand your own actions or...

Understanding Color in Photography

I received a wonderful photography book today. Understanding Color in Photography by Bryan Peterson and Susana Heide Schellenberg is not only full of beautiful photography but great tips as well. I think I may have mentioned before that photography is one of my hobbies. This means that I have read many books on the subject. I found this one to offer fresh and unique ideas. One of the things that I really appreciate about the authors is that they emphasize trying to get things right in camera versus trying to correct with editing software. I think this stance is something that really sets this book apart from others on the subject. The authors offer up unique ideas that everyone can try regardless of skill with a camera. There is one photograph of a women surrounded by wonderful blurry colors that were created by using a window box of flowers. I cannot wait to try out this idea and will be on the lookout for flower boxes until I do. I recommend this book if you have an interest in ...

Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker

I love cooking with my slow cooker! I feel so productive when I can put all the ingredients in the slow cooker in the morning and know that supper will be waiting. Martha Stewart just released a new cook book full of wonderful slow cooker recipes titled Martha Stewart's Slow Cooker . Not only is this book full of yummy recipes and beautiful photographs but they are up to the quality of Martha Stewart. Usually when I cook things in the slow cooker, the meal comes out looking a bit like mush. The photographs in this book show images that will look as though the cook slaved over the meal for hours. Another thing that I appreciate about this book is that there is a vegetarian section. I cannot wait to try Martha Stewart's spin on macaroni and cheese in the slow cooker! I was really impressed with this book and it lives up the Martha Stewart name. I look forward to testing out many of the recipes this fall. I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review