I have always been intrigued with relationships and have read a lot of books on the topic of marriage. Fierce Marriage: Radically Pursuing Each Other in Light of Christ's Relentless Love by Ryan and Selena Frederick is a new release this month. One of the things that I really enjoy about this book is that it is written in a conversational tone. I also like that chapters go back and forth between the authors who are husband and wife. I think that having both the male and female perspective is important for a book on marriage. The authors touch on many of the key issues that arise in marriage such as communication, sex and money. At the end of each section are questions that can be used by the reader to reflect on their own marriage. I found these questions to tie in well with the information and to be a good way to use the information in the book. I think this is a good updated guide to marriage. It covers present issues that many couples face and a practical guide on how to get...
This mama bear's thoughts on books and reviews of my latest reads.